Healthy Eating To Control Diabetes and Hypertension


Diabetes and hypertension altogether are dangerous disorders and it is a condition which includes obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Though both Diabetes and Hypertension share common risk factors, it is important for us to understand the significant relationship of both the diseases.

When we talk about these diseases individually in each case. In case of Diabetes, insulin, a hormone produced which enables the cells to process the glucose from food and use it as energy, is either not produced enough or does not function properly. As a result, it accumulates in the bloodstream and does not enter the cells to produce the energy. As the blood with high sugar levels travels through the body, it can interfere with functions of the organs kidneys which regulate healthy blood pressure. If the blood vessels, blood pressure rises, increasing the complications.

On the other hand, if you have Hypertension or it means that your blood is pumping through your heart and blood vessels with too much force. A blood pressure when indicate of less than 120/80 is said to be considered normal.

The complications of combined cases are the inability of the blood vessels to stretch, accumulation of fluid in the body when kidney is affected, increased insulin resistivity, heart attack, effects kidney function, causing problems in the blood vessels in the eyes leading to vision loss.

Ways to control the diabetes and Hypertension through diet:

  1. Choose healthy Carbohydrates and low GI foods: Complex carbohydrates have more complex chemical structures and contain fiber, vitamins and minerals which take longer time to digest and have less impact on blood sugar, causing it to rise more slowly. The glycemic index of food helps us to know how quickly and how much they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a high glycemic index, like white bread, refined wheat flour are rapidly digested and cause fluctuations in blood sugar. Foods with a low glycemic index, like whole oats, whole wheat are digested slowly.
  2. Go for Healthy fats: Avoid unhealthy saturated fats like skin on the chicken, butter, cheese, milk and trans fats like fried foods, baked foods. Because these fats increase the Bad cholesterol in the blood which deposits on the arteries and narrowing them leading to increased blood pressure. Choose healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which helpsto bring down your cholesterol levels like nuts, seeds, avocado, Canola oil, peanut oil etc.
  3. Increase potassium and reduce sodium intake: Sodium and potassium are the electrolytes which is required by the body to maintain fluid and blood balance. However, a person consuming too much sodium and not enough potassium can get hypertension. Hence limit the sodium intake by checking the labels of food while purchasing and consume potassium rich food like beans, bananas, green leafy vegetables, curd, sweet potatoes, sea food etc. 

Ways to decrease sodium intake:

  1. Read the labels and choose low sodium foods and beverages while shopping.
  2. More amounts of sodium is found in processed food. Natural food contain less sodium. Hence always go for natural food sources.
  3. Don’t add salt to your meal, instead one can use herbs and spices to add flavor to the food.
  1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables:Eating healthy fruits and vegetables not only provide the vitamins and minerals, but since they are low in calories and rich in fibre, helps in promoting weight loss, control blood sugar levels and fulfill satiety. They are also rich in nutrients like potassium, which helps to control the blood pressure also. Hence, have one serving of fruit everyday.
  2. Have a healthy balanced meal: A meal which contains all the major nutrients like 55 % complex carbohydrates, 25% protein 20 % fat is a balanced meal, is best eating habit for the people to control diabetes and blood pressure. Because it helps in weight management,blood sugar control and contains nutrients.
  3. Limit the Alcohol consumption: Alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, cocktail mixers are rich in sugars which raise the blood sugar levels also blood pressure and triglycerides levels in the body. Alcohols also tend to stimulate the appetite and make you overeat. “Moderation is key”, one should limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per day.
  4. Track your progress: It is always motivating and encouraging knowing that losing your busy weight by 7% helps to reduce the diabetes risk by half. A written record always helps the person to identify the problem areas. As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai, keeping track helps you to understand the areas you are going wrong and helps you to keep you aware of how much, what, and when you are eating. So that you cannot repeat correct these mistakes next time.

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