Functioning of a Digital Thermometer


To ascertain the cause of the disease or whether the person is having fever or other medical problems healthcare professionals rely on a number of medical equipment such as the pinard stethoscope. Another very important medical instrument is the thermometer. It is used to check whether the body temperature is normal or too high. Earlier doctors used the mercury-filled thermometer to gauge temperature; however, the past few years have witnessed the introduction of digital thermometers. In a short span of time digital thermometer has become very popular not just among the healthcare professionals but also the common people to measure the temperature at home.

Digital thermometers are accurate, and it is much easier to read the temperature. Though the digital thermometers have largely replaced the traditional thermometers, yet people are not aware how a digital thermometer functions.

Unlike the traditional thermometer which is filled with mercury, the digital thermometer relies on sensors. There are four kinds of sensors and either of these can be used in digital thermometers. These include – solid state sensors, thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors and thermistors.

Whenever a change in the body temperature is witnessed, the sensors produce a current or voltage, which is known as analogue output signals. All of these sensors provide an accurate reading of the temperature. The only difference is in the in the way they function.

Digital thermistor thermometer

This type of thermometer supplies a current to the thermistor. Usually a thermistor comes with a 2-wire connection. This is because in comparison to the leads’ resistance, the thermistor change in resistance is significantly huge. The thermistor converts the excitation to a voltage signal. Thereafter, the measured voltage is converted to temperature by the thermometer.

Digital solid state thermometer

A digital solid state thermometer works on the principle of supplying the excitation current to the sensor. The linear signal is gauged from the sensor.

Digital RTD thermometer

A digital RTD thermometer, which is basically an ohmmeter, gauges the sensor’s resistance. The voltage across the sensor is measured by applying a small current or excitation voltage to the sensor.

Digital thermocouple thermometer

This type of thermometer is quite common. To ascertain the temperature, a digital thermocouple thermometer basically requires two measurements. It comes with a sensor which gauges the temperature where the thermocouple is connected to it. The other is that the mV signal is measured from the thermocouple.

Though there are various types of thermometer, but the basic purpose of each is to provide an accurate reading of the temperature. However, there are many advantages of a digital thermometer. A digital thermometer is not very expensive, requires minimal maintenance and is accurate. In case you are planning to purchase the Best Stethoscope for Medicalhealthcare, you can buy it online from the Smart Medical Buyer portal. They are a leading online distributor of medical equipment and supplies in India. They have a wide range of products and act as a one stop destination for all your medical needs.