Essential Menstrual Hygiene Practices You Should Prioritize


Menstruation is something every woman is going through and there are a good number of taboos and prejudice associated with it which makes it very much difficult for ladies to discuss it openly. It is very much a natural biological process and you need to accept it because whenever the ladies will be discussing such things openly then only definitely they will be given easy access to the best possible remedies that will promote their hygiene and overall health. Menstrual hygiene is extremely important for ladies from all age groups and maintaining good health is the basic right of every lady in their life. Hence to ensure that things are always on the right track, you must get in touch with the best gynaecologist in Banjara Hills and following are some of the basic practices that you need to focus on related to menstruation:

  1. Washing your private areas carefully: One of the common and best options for keeping your menstrual health up to the best possible levels is to wash your private areas thoroughly and carefully. Washing your vagina is extremely important and whenever you are on your period you need to be very much clear about the basic hygiene factor. Many women will be washing themselves every time they urinate but the majority of the ladies are not at all clear about how they should wash properly. So, moving your hands from your vagina to the anus is important in this case so that washing down the bacteria will be done perfectly and there will be no development of bacteria or infections at any step. This will help make sure that things will be correctly done in the right direction and chances of any problem will be perfectly eliminated throughout the process.
  2. Using napkins and menstrual cups: It is very unfortunate in the cases of India like in the majority of the rural areas women are not at all aware of the hygiene methods related to menstruation. On the other hand, the ones who are aware are unable to have easy access to menstrual cups or napkins. However, this is not a very eco-friendly method of cleaning but still is considered to be an effective one. A biodegradable option in this particular case is the menstrual cups which are safe as well as easy to clean and the napkins are very easily affordable, available, and manageable on the behalf of ladies. So, the ladies in this particular case need to have a clear idea about how to place the napkin or menstrual cup to ensure proper health of the vagina and make sure that there is no scope for any kind of development of infections.
  3. Changing your sanitary napkins regularly: The best gynaecologist hospital in Banjara Hills doctors very well recommend that ladies take the menstrual blood which has been released from the vaginal passage very seriously because it will be attracting bacteria and other microorganisms if not paid attention to. The bacterial growth in this particular case will be significantly increasing because of the contact with the warm blood which further leads to the risk of infections and rashes down there. So, it is always advisable for ladies to never keep the napkins for very long hours, and usually, it should be changed after approximately five hours in cases of heavy flow. Changing the napkins and reducing the growth of the organisms is important in this case and further washing the tampon or napkins is important for ladies in this case. This will be very successful in terms of providing them with proper management of the next cycle so that things are very well sorted out.
  4. Managing the diet: Periods can be very much difficult whenever the flow is heavy and it is associated with cramps or rashes. So, to ensure that things are very well sorted out you need to be extra careful about your diet and for this including green vegetables and grains in your daily meals is important and further you should focus on the consumption of fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and minerals so that your overall strength level will be perfectly maintained. The healthy and warm comforting meal will be helpful in uplifting your mood and further will provide you with the required level of energy to manage the things in your life.
  5. It is important to avoid soaps and other chemical-related products: There are a good number of vaginal products and soaps in the market that claim themselves to be the best in keeping up your vagina health intact but the majority of all of these products are acidic and the the further will be creating issues with your pH levels. So, you need to be very clear about the consultation with the doctors before adopting any of the products because it will lead to infections, rashes, and itching which makes the entire situation extremely uncomfortable for the ladies. It is genuinely advisable to avoid using artificial cleaning products because it will be leading to multiple issues and further will be creating problems with the organic passage of your vagina. So, you need to be very much clear about the ingredients of the products before adopting them and further getting in touch with the doctors before using any product is visible for the ladies.

In addition to the points mentioned above, getting in touch with the paediatric gastroenterologist surgeon is also definitely advisable for the ladies if there is the development of any kind of uncomfortable symptoms because they will be providing you with the best possible suggestions about the entire situation and further you should also learn to track your period so that your cycles are very well adjusted. In this way you will be able to ensure that there will be no loss of energy and things will be very well sorted out because everyone will be able to maintain the menstrual hygiene up to the best possible levels very successfully.

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