A Revolutionary Approach to Mental Health


The treatment for mental health has outgrown the conventional form of medications and therapies in recent years. One of the latest and most reliable methods is called Personalized Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PRTMS), which is a non-invasive, tailored form of stimulating the brain. This has revolutionized various mental health treatments, starting from depression, anxiety, and PTSD to neurological conditions like migraines and autism spectrum disorder.

What is PRTMS?

PRTMS stands for Personalized repetitive TMS. This is a new form of rTMS that uses magnetic fields applied to highly specific regions of the cerebral cortex. rTMS has been used for many years in treating depression and a host of other mental health issues. PRTMS enhances this treatment modality by personalizing a ‘best fit’ treatment approach based on the individual needs of each patient.

The key to PRTMS is that it is personalized. Instead of using the same method for everyone, this therapy adjusts stimulation patterns and frequencies to match each patient’s brainwave patterns, doctors can focus on specific areas of the brain that are not active enough or too active.

PRTMS begins with a thorough PRTMS near me to map the patient’s brain activity. This information helps the clinician understand how different parts of the brain communicate and what areas may need stimulation. Once the areas of concern are identified, magnetic pulses are delivered to the targeted regions of the brain. These pulses help “retrain” the brain to function in a more balanced and efficient manner.

Key Benefits of PRTMS


PRTMS does not involve surgical techniques, and at the end of a session, patients can return immediately to their normal daily routines.

Minimal side effects:

The most common of these is minor discomfort at the site of the magnetic stimulation. Compared to medication with a battery of side effects, the use of PRTMS is generally well-tolerated.

Effective in Resistant Cases:

PRTMS has shown promising results for those who have failed to respond well to the more traditional treatments, including antidepressants and psychotherapy.

Multicondition Application:

Though this treatment modality was originally intended for depression, it is now being applied to a wide range of other mental health and neurological disorders, such as anxiety, PTSD, migraine, and even autism spectrum disorder.