Medical Vs Non-Medical Detox


 In substance abuse rehabilitation, they are your first step. First, let’s look into what exactly drug detoxification is. After prolonged drug use, your body becomes accustomed to the drug. It may become so accustomed that you require a higher dosage to achieve the same results, and your body now needs it for you to function normally. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, drug detoxification involves, the removal of toxic or poisonous substances from the body.

What Drug Detox Centers Do

At detox centers, medical professionals identify, monitor, and assist the patient as he or she rids themselves of all toxic substances, whether they be drugs or alcohol. When you suddenly stop taking the drug or drink you’ve been taking for so long, your body will suffer withdrawals since it doesn’t have what it thinks it needs to function. It is often unpleasant to experience withdrawal symptoms as the drugs and alcohol leave the body’s system and the body attempts to reacclimate to normalcy. Certain cases, such as detoxing from long-term alcohol use, opioids, stimulants (such as cocaine), and benzo diazepines (such as Xanax, Valium, etc.) are a detox center must. Some detox centers are like medical hospitals, while others can be more weekend retreat types, like Denver detox centers to name one.

Medical Detox/ Non-Medical Detox

There are two main approaches when entering a detox center; medical and non-medical.


Medical detox involves using substitute drugs to ease withdrawal symptoms. Medically administered, these drugs aid to reduce withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings and urges. Buprenorphine or methadone are two medications used to help aid the process of detoxing from opioids.


Under non-medical detox, the individual enters the detox program and stops using drugs with the support and monitoring of medical professionals. There will be no medication to ease withdrawal symptoms. Again, you will be watched and monitored as a comfort. You are not alone.

Inpatient Outpatient 

A detox center admits you as an inpatient, where you’ll stay while you detox and recover.

Most people prefer outpatient detox because they are apprehensive about staying in a detox center. As a result, the individual can still stay in touch with those they love.. The method again is not recommended for those trying to break their long-term dependency on alcohol abuse, opioid use, or benzodiazepine use. Relapses are at high risk and their withdrawal symptoms from these drugs can lead to serious complications, even fatal.

Which is Right for You?

In general, a medical professional will assess you and help you decide what form of detoxification is right for you. They will consider your physical health, mental health, duration of your addiction, and what you are addicted to. At the end of the day, a successful outcome is what you want.

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