What You Should Know About Laser Scar Removal


Lasers are used in many areas of today’s healthcare, including vision repair, hair loss and pain treatments. Did you know lasers are also used to remove scars and repair damaged skin? Skin damage that can be repaired using lasers include: burns, acne scars, age spots, injury and surgery scars and skin discoloration. Before researching a laser scar removal clinic Winter Park FL, you should know some things about this treatment.

How it Works

Laser scar treatment does not remove scars. However, it does make them appear less noticeable. Scars fade over time, but they are permanent. After they reach this point, the damaged skin on the outer layer of the scar can be removed using laser treatments, smoothing out the skin, which camouflages the scar.

Types of Treatments

You can choose three types of laser treatments: fractionated, non-ablative and ablative resurfacing. These treatments have different purposes. For example, to remove wrinkles and warts, ablative laser resurfacing should be chosen. Fractionated and non-ablative lasers reach deeper into the skin removing cells with dark pigments and deeper scars. Some treatments also encourage cell renewal and encourage them to produce collagen.

Post-Treatment Care

Lasers use light and heat to remove scars. Therefore, you should avoid being in the sun for up to six weeks. In addition, you should not wear makeup for several days after a laser treatment on your face. Swelling should be reduced using cold compresses. You are allowed to take mild pain medication.

Treatment Cost

Scar treatment costs are based on the size, depth and number of scars you want to have removed. For example, deeper scars may require additional treatments. Results may not be visible immediately and may not be permanent. However, in all cases, you will likely need multiple treatments. Be prepared to pay a consultation fee to speak with the technician and plan your treatments. In addition, a single treatment may cost $200-3400.

If you have scars that you would like removed, consider speaking with a treatment specialist or dermatologist.

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