Undergoing Breast Reduction Surgery


Did you know that the breast reduction procedure is becoming more popular than before? Women with bigger breasts have issues with their physical health, and when their breasts are sized down, the problems go away.

Who is a good candidate for breast reduction procedure?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure where the size of the breasts will be reduced by removing the excess skin and breast tissue. Women who are experiencing chronic pain in the neck, back and shoulders are good candidates for this procedure. Also, those who have redness and irritation under their breasts, difficulties during sleeping and some activities, will experience relief after the procedure.

Young girls can undergo this procedure, but it is important that their breasts are fully developed. Women in the older age can be candidates, but it is important that they are generally healthy, that their skin is elastic enough so there will be no problems during recovery.

Sometimes is better to reduce the size of your breasts

At the https://www.bbclinic.com.au/breast-reduction-sydney/you can see some more information about the possible risks. Some women, who are young and healthy, should not undergo this procedure if they are planning a pregnancy. This procedure can cause difficulties during breast-feeding.

Before the surgery

Your surgeon will guide you through every step. He will ask about your expectations, about your general health, he will do the evaluation and make the plan for your surgery. He will explain what are the risks and how the procedure and recovery look like. It will most probably be necessary to do some laboratory tests, to stop smoking, and to take some medicines that your doctor orders.

How does the procedure look like?

This is a serious surgical procedure, so general anesthesia is necessary. The surgeon will make a cut under the breast and around the nipples so he can remove the excess skin, fat, and other breast tissue. Your areolas will most likely stay at the place where they used to be, but if you would like to change that, you should consult with your doctor before the surgery.

Make your implants better

Women with implants should consider breast implant revision procedure, especially if they notice that implants are dislocated or damaged. More about this procedure you can check at https://www.bbclinic.com.au/breast-implant-revision-sydney/, and make sure to undergo this procedure on time, so there will be no further complications.


For the first two weeks, your breasts will be swollen, there will be some bruises and you will have to wear a sports bra or some compression. You will experience pain and sensitivity, while your breasts and nipples can be too firmed. You will not be allowed to do any demanding activities, and your sleeping position should be on the back or on the side.

Final word

Alongside a good surgeon, this breast’s procedures and the recovery period can be easier. If there are any complications, they can be fixed, but the good surgeon will prepare you well for the surgery, so there will be no room for unwanted risks.

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