In what situations do you need a dental crown?


When your natural tooth structure is trimmed to restore its shape, function, and look, dental crowns act as an artificial tooth, covering and replacing the lost structure. Not only can crowns be utilized as a restorative procedure, but this is a prevalent cosmetic procedure. So when are crowns necessary? Below are the typical situations:

Fixing severe tooth decay

This is among the most frequent causes for which a dentist Meridian may recommend a dental crown. Dental fillings, metal or composite materials bonded directly to the tooth, are typically effective in treating smaller cavities. However, larger cavities and teeth with severe decay do not respond well to fillings.

Your tooth’s structure may be compromised by large fillings, making it more brittle. It can be advisable to have a crown as a result. After the tooth is filed down and the rotten enamel removed, a crown that closely imitates your natural tooth will be molded and fitted over it to prevent further damage.

Tooth protection after a root canal therapy

Root canal therapy makes a tooth somewhat more brittle and prone to breaking. This is because the root loses its supply of nourishment and vitality. A dental crown, which caps the root with a sturdy, single-crown replacement, effectively prevents damage to the root.

The artificial dental crown evenly distributes mastication stresses, joins the numerous roots at the top, plugs the root canals, is impervious to deterioration, and has extremely low fracture rates. For this reason, most root canal treatments end with a carefully selected dental crown, guaranteeing a long-lasting tooth free from problems.

Fix a chipped, broken, or cracked tooth.

Crowns are a fantastic choice for the repair of fractured, chipped, or cracked teeth. It is a good alternative whether your tooth shattered due to an injury or developed damage from wear and strain (such as grinding your teeth).Minor tooth chips are typically fixed with dental bonding or veneers, while more extensive tooth damage nearly always calls for a dental crown. You’ll be able to eat, speak, and smile normally again once your crown strengthens and covers the damaged tooth.

During dental implant therapy

When saving a tooth is impossible or not advised, dental implants—metal tooth replacements—are placed into the bone. The implant merely serves to replace the tooth’s root. A dental crown is necessaryto replace the entire tooth and finish the repair of the tooth.

Abutments for bridges or partial dentures

Missing teeth might be replaced with permanent dental bridges and removable partial dentures. Both procedures need strong anchor teeth to secure the prosthetic parts. The natural teeth still present in the patient’s mouth are frequently not the best choice for the task. This can be due to various factors, such as poor tooth shape, damage to the teeth that renders them unsuitable, or the need for a specialized device to hold the bridge or denture in place. In these cases, the process calls for a dental crown.

Cosmetic reasons

Lastly, dentists can use dental crowns to strengthen, improve, and unify color, straighten teeth, and prevent decay if you don’t think your natural smile is good enough.

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