Find the Perfect Option for the Right Deals in Infertility


Many cases of infertility can be treated with conventional therapy, drugs or surgery. While success rates are steadily increasing, there are times when treatment is unsuccessful. To give up is then very difficult.

Infertility: preparing for treatment failure

Whether the infertility is male or female, many people may have recourse to medically assisted reproduction (MAP). However, fertilization techniques do not work for sure, far from it. The figures speak for themselves: according to the biomedicine agency, the delivery rate is around 20% for conventional IVF and for ICSI, or about 80% of failure. However, this information is not always well relayed. We are told about technique, and we are not prepared for chess. Check this site for more information on that now.

Managing the discontinuation of infertility treatment

If infertility, in itself, strongly upsets the balance of the couple and each partner, the announcement of the end of treatment is an even more special time that should not be neglected.

The mourning biological motherhood is a psychological condition, very painful. It is linked both to the loss of the ability to father children and to a family project. This reality will impose renunciation on the hoped-for child. The expression mourning is often overused, and far from simple.

The bereavement of fertility may or may not be done, or in an incomplete way, whatever the case, it necessarily involves duration. It is a matter which is played in a completely individual way that is to say that the time will be different for each one, including within the couple.

What child plan at the end of infertility treatment?

For some, the child is part of an ideal life, a family to be created. For others, it is a need! If they don’t have children, life isn’t worth living.

Many highly variable elements will therefore be taken into account in relation to this mourning.

  • The personality
  • The psychic structure
  • The previous story
  • The quality of the couple’s relationship
  • What the child represents for everyone
  • The support or not of the entourage

It will be different for couples whose last years of life have shrunk a little, and for good reason, around the various events related to the AMP and for those who have been able to keep their centers of interest in life.

A phase of depression is possible. For some, the grieving phase can be likened to a depression sometimes with loss of energy, or disinterest in relation to what was previously motivating. You can feel tired, irritable and of course be tempted to withdraw into yourself.

Infertility: preparing for treatment failure

A failure cannot be prepared, strictly speaking. On the other hand, it is often beneficial for the couple to be able to talk about it in anticipation, before starting and during treatment. It makes it possible to evoke the various “small” failures often inherent in the treatments, and to integrate, willy-nilly, the many renouncements: giving up the baby made under the duvet, the natural fertility that one believed to have, and upon acceptance of medical aid. So the burden of “ultimate” failure, even if it remains peculiar and very painful, can be less overwhelming.

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