7 Things to know before you lose your virginity


Losing virginity is an important milestone in our life. However, thanks to the taboo associated with having sex, people do not discuss it freely. As a result, most do not have adequate know-how about what to and what not to do during such intimate moments.  For those who feel nervous about losing their virginity do not worry, here are some first time sex tips that will help you enjoy your intimate moments more.

Here are 7 things to know before you lose your virginity.

#1 – It would pain:

Yes, you heard it right; it is not what they show in movies. In reality, losing virginity is a bit painful at first. However, it is normal, and the only way to tackle this situation is to ask your partner to go slow and penetrate at snail pace. So, remember to relax and ask your partner to go slow and not be in a hurry to climax.

#2- You might bleed:

Yes, this is also true that you might shed some blood, and that is perfectly normal. Be prepared for it and do not freak out when you see the drops of blood around you.

#3- Be prepared for the moment:

Losing one’s virginity is an important and special moment. So only take a step further only if you feel completely ready to lose your virginity. Even during the act if you feel unsure whether to go the full way or not, remember it is ok to back out. You must be 100% sure of your partner and at the moment.

#4-Use protection:

Make sure that you are taking precaution and not being carried away at the moment. Look out for various forms of protection like condoms and pills and choose the one that matches your requirements. There are different types of condoms available in the market to choose from based on size, flavours, and materials.

#5- Talk to someone:

It is essential to speak to someone to clear any doubts that you may have in mind.  Clear your doubts and get your questions answered by your friends, counsellors or even mother. Please note being nervous during sex for the first time is normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

#6- Consult a gynaecologist:

In case you want sound or accurate advice, then you can also visit a gynaecologist, get yourself thoroughly checked up,and get your doubts cleared.

#7- Relax:

The intimacy of your first time makes most of us nervous even little scared but do not stress or fret over it. Try to relax and focus on pleasure than pain. It will only lessen the pain as your muscles are relaxed when your partner starts penetrating.

Try to go by these tips and make sure that you feel completely ready to experience this intimacy for the first time. With sure mind and relaxed body, both you and your partner will be able to enjoy your intimate moments together.

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